- Salivary gland biopsy
- Scalp pH testing
- Scan - carotid duplex
- Scan - lung
- Scan - thyroid
- Schilling test
- Schirmer test
- Schirmer's test
- Scintigraphy - bone
- Scintiscan - renal perfusion
- Scratch tests - allergy
- Screening - testicular cancer - self-exam
- Screening and diagnosis for HIV
- Scrotal ultrasound
- Secretin stimulation test
- Sed rate
- Sedimentation rate
- Segmental pulse volume recordings
- Seizure - EEG
- Sensitivity analysis
- Sentinel lymph node biopsy
- Sequential multi-channel analysis with computer-20
- Sequential multi-channel analysis with computer-7
- Serial chest x-ray
- Serologic test for B anthracis
- Serologic test for B. anthracis
- Serology for brucellosis
- Serology for Francisella tularensis
- Serology for tularemia
- Serotonin blood test
- Serotonin metabolite
- Serotonin test
- Serum adrenocorticotropic hormone
- Serum ammonia
- Serum angiotensin-converting enzyme
- Serum antibodies
- Serum calcium
- Serum chloride test
- Serum cholinesterase
- Serum chromium
- Serum cortisol
- Serum creatinine
- Serum DHEA-sulfate
- Serum erythropoietin
- Serum factor IX
- Serum ferritin level
- Serum fibrinogen
- Serum free hemoglobin test
- Serum globulin electrophoresis
- Serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase
- Serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase
- Serum HCG - qualitative
- Serum hemoglobin
- Serum herpes simplex antibodies
- Serum immunofixation
- Serum immunoglobulin electrophoresis
- Serum iron test
- Serum leucine aminopeptidase
- Serum myoglobin
- Serum phenylalanine screening
- Serum phosphorus
- Serum sodium
- Serum TBG level
- Serum testosterone
- Serum thyroxine binding globulin
- Serum trypsin
- Serum trypsinogen
- Sestamibi stress test
- Sex chromatin test
- Shave biopsy
- Shoulder CT scan
- Shoulder MRI scan
- Sialogram
- Sialography
- Sickle cell - electrophoresis
- Sickle cell test
- Sickledex
- Sigmoidoscopy
- Sigmoidoscopy - flexible
- Sinus CT scan
- Sinus MRI scan
- Sinus x-ray
- Sjögren - Schirmer
- Skeletal survey
- Skin biopsy
- Skin lesion - Gram stain
- Skin lesion aspiration
- Skin lesion biopsy
- Skin lesion gram stain
- Skin lesion KOH exam
- Skin or nail culture
- Skin tests - allergy
- Skinny-needle thyroid biopsy
- Skull radiography
- Skull x-ray
- Sleep apnea - sleep study
- Sleep study
- Slit-lamp exam
- SMA20
- SMA7
- SMAC20
- Small bowel biopsy
- Small bowel enema
- Small bowel follow-through
- Small bowel tissue smear
- Small intestine aspirate and culture
- Smear of duodenal fluid aspirate
- Snellen test
- Sodium - serum
- Sodium blood test
- Sodium urine test
- Solitary pulmonary nodule - PET
- Sonde enteroscopy
- Sonogram
- Sonogram of the breast
- Spherocytosis - osmotic fragility
- Spinal CT
- Spinal fluid culture
- Spinal fluid smear
- Spinal tap
- Spine x-ray
- Spirogram
- Spirometry
- Split night polysomnography
- Sprue - xylose
- Sputum - Gram stain
- Sputum culture
- Sputum direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) test
- Sputum fungal smear
- Sputum Gram stain
- Sputum stain for mycobacteria
- Squamous intraepithelial lesion - colposcopy
- Squamous intraepithelial lesion - cone biopsy
- Squamous intraepithelial lesion - Pap
- Standard ophthalmic exam
- Static lung volume determination
- Stereotactic breast biopsy
- Stereotactic transperineal prostate biopsy (STPB)
- Sternal tap
- Stomach acid test
- Stomach pumping
- Stool - Gram stain
- Stool - trypsin and chymotrypsin
- Stool C difficile toxin
- Stool culture
- Stool Gram stain
- Stool guaiac test
- Stool occult blood test - flushable home test
- Stool occult blood test - guaiac smear
- Stool occult blood test -- guaiac smear
- Stool ova and parasites exam
- Stool smear
- Streptococcal screen
- Stress ECG
- Stress echocardiography
- Stress test - echocardiography
- Stress test - exercise treadmill
- Stress test - nuclear
- String test
- Stroke - CTA neck
- Stroke-CTA head
- Stroke-CTA neck
- Strongyloidiasis - ova and parasites Taeniasis - ova and parasites
- Sucrose hemolysis test
- Sugar-water hemolysis test
- Sulfhemoglobin
- Surface echo
- Surface echo - children
- Swab for respiratory viruses
- Swab for staph carriage
- Swan-Ganz - right heart catheterization
- Sweat chloride
- Sweat electrolytes test
- Sweat test
- Synacthen stimulation test
- Synovial biopsy
- Synovial fluid analysis
- Synovitis - synovial biopsy
- Syphilis screening test
- Systolic blood pressure