Hip Replacement


Get the Relief You Deserve From Hip Pain

Hip conditions can impact anyone, regardless of age or activity level. From arthritis to injuries, the causes can vary. Our team will carefully assess your situation to determine the best care options for hip pain. 

The orthopedic experts at St. Luke’s start with conservative treatments like physical therapy, weight loss, medications or movement modifications. If you need hip replacement, your orthopedic surgeon will make sure you understand your options.

Our orthopedic surgeons are experts in total hip replacement and minimally invasive hip replacement techniques, including anterior hip replacement (which involves a smaller incision, shorter hospital stays and faster recovery). We provide a proven approach to hip replacement and the most advanced treatment and rehabilitation options available.

Possible Warning Signs for Hip Replacement

In a healthy hip, the bone is covered by a smooth lining of cartilage. This surface and a small amount of joint fluid allows your joint to move smoothly. Overuse, osteoarthritis (a condition that can cause degeneration of bone and cartilage) and other factors can cause the hip’s cartilage to break down. This can cause pain and stiffness in the joint. Our compassionate orthopedic hip specialists can restore your mobility and relieve the discomfort in your hip so you can get back to your favorite activities.

Signs you may benefit from hip replacement include:

  • An inability or difficulty performing daily activities
  • Severe hip pain at night
  • Severe hip pain during normal activity
  • Not responding to nonsurgical treatments or pain medications


Stride to Success

Scheduled for surgery? St. Luke's offers pre-operative classes for hip replacement surgery.

Get the Advanced Hip Care You Need

Connect with an orthopedic hip replacement specialist.