- Paint - oil based - poisoning
- Paint - oil-based - poisoning
- Paint - watercolors
- Paint remover poisoning
- Paint, lacquer, and varnish remover poisoning
- Painted leaf poisoning
- Palladone overdose
- Para-aminobenzoic acid
- Paracetamol overdose
- Paradichlorobenzene poisoning
- Paraffin poisoning
- Paralytic shellfish poisoning
- Pavement
- PCP overdose
- PediaProfen overdose
- Pencil erasers
- Pencil swallowing
- Pentafen
- Pentazocine overdose
- Pentobarbital overdose
- Pentosol overdose
- Pepcid overdose
- Peppermint oil overdose
- Percocet overdose
- Percodan overdose
- Periactin overdose
- Petroleum jelly overdose
- Phenaphen with codeine overdose
- Phencyclidine overdose
- Phenergan overdose
- Phenic acid poisoning
- Phenindamine overdose
- Pheniramine overdose
- Phenobarbital overdose
- Phenol poisoning
- Phenothiazine overdose
- Phenylic acid poisoning
- Phenytoin overdose
- Philodendron poisoning
- Photographic developer poisoning
- Photographic fixative poisoning
- Pigeon Berry poisoning
- Pine oil poisoning
- Piperonyl butoxide with pyrethrins poisoning
- Piroxicam overdose
- Plant fertilizer poisoning
- Plant food - household - poisoning
- Plastic casting resin poisoning
- Plastic resin hardener poisoning
- Plumbism
- Poinsettia plant exposure
- Poison control center - emergency number
- Poison ivy - oak - sumac
- Poison oak
- Poison sumac
- Poisoning - fish and shellfish
- Poke salad poisoning
- Pokeberry poisoning
- Pokeweed poisoning
- Poly-D overdose
- Poly-Histine overdose
- Polysporin ointment overdose
- Potassium carbonate poisoning
- Potassium hydroxide poisoning
- Potato plant poisoning - green tubers and sprouts
- Potpourri poisoning
- Promethazine overdose
- Propane poisoning
- Prophamine
- Propoxyphene hydrochloride
- Propoxyphene overdose
- Propyl alcohol
- Psycho-organic syndrome
- Psychoorganic syndrome
- Purgoxin overdose
- Pyrethrins poisoning