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Chaplaincy Fellowship Program


Become a Chaplain

Preparing clergy to become professional chaplains is an important part of St. Luke's healthcare ministry. We believe in the value of Clinical Pastoral Education and the value of Chaplaincy Board Certification as the standard for chaplaincy training to serve the spiritual needs of those who find themselves navigating through a serious illness, faced with making complex medical decisions, or experiencing emotional distress, trauma, or loss. Chaplains celebrate experiences of joy with patients and families as well, as in the birth of a child or recovery from an illness.

St. Luke's Hospital offers two, two-year chaplain fellowship positions. Chaplain Fellows will be full-time members of our spiritual care staff who will serve our patients and team members while also gaining chaplaincy hours, instruction and support in their preparation to seek board certification. Fellows will have the opportunity to submit their application and begin the process of becoming board certified once they have worked 2,080 hours.

The board certification application is comprehensive. Our two-year chaplaincy fellowship provides an opportunity for fellows to write to the 31 required competencies, complete the application and seek board certification while also providing continuity of care for St. Luke's patients, family members, and team members.

Apply for a Fellowship Position

Two positions will be offered every two years, beginning in September 2023. Applications must be received by Friday, July 14, 2023.

Details regarding the Chaplain Fellow position and the application to apply.

In addition to the application, candidates for the position are required to provide their resume, documentation of satisfactory completion of four units of Clinical Pastoral Education, a copy of the applicant's final CPE unit evaluation, a 3-to-4-page double spaced autobiography, proof of ordination in one's faith tradition and endorsement by one's ecclesiastical governing body.


Contact Us

For more information about the Chaplaincy Fellowship Program, please call St. Luke's Spiritual Care department.