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Find Peace

Our hospital chapels are always open, offering a quiet place for prayer, meditation, and reflection. All are welcome. Know that we say daily prayers for all St. Luke's patients, their families and loved ones, as well as St. Luke's physicians and staff.

The Chapels

St. Luke's Hospital in Chesterfield

The St. Luke's Hospital Chapel is located on the third floor of the Main Lobby.

The colorful, stained glass windows in the Chapel portray the theme, "Respect for Life."

St. Luke's Chapel Stained Glass Left
St. Luke's Chapel Stained Glass Middle
St. Luke's Chapel Stained Glass Right

The panel on the far left symbolizes birth, the creative act of God. The sun, moon and stars, works of God's creation, are represented. The forms of vegetation relate to the sun from which plants derive their growth.

The middle set of panels symbolizes life being sustained through the medical profession. The book refers to the writings of St. Luke's, a physician, an apostle and the patron saint of physicians. The caduceus is the symbol used by the medical profession.

The panel on the right symbolizes the abundance of life in Christ. Christ is suggested as the Tree of Life by the Chi Rho, the arms extending in the form of a cross. The Chi Rho is an ancient symbol of Christ formed from the Greek letters Chi and Rho, the first three letters of the word Christ. The flames represent God's love for us and our love for each other. The crosses denote faith, the virtue so necessary in our relationships.

St. Luke's Des Peres Hospital

The Chapel at St. Luke's Des Peres Hospital is located near the main entrance on the fourth floor.

St. Luke's Des Peres Hospital's Chapel

Surrey Place Chapel Shares Windows From the Past

St. Luke's Des Peres Hospital's Chapel

Courtesy of the St. Luke's Auxiliary, upgrades were made to the Surrey Place Chapel. Stained glass windows, a baptismal font and the marble altar, which had been removed from the old St. Luke's Hospital Chapel on Delmar, were installed in the Surrey Place Chapel to enhance the worship experience at the facility. The beautiful windows depict several Biblical figures: The Good Shepherd, Archangel Gabriel, Luke the Evangelist, and Jesus the Healer. All are welcome to come enjoy this sacred space.


Contact Us

For more information, please call our Spiritual Care department.