Improve Your Quality of Life
Therapeutic interventions may include the following:
- Gait analysis and training to promote improved skills for walking
- Balance training (fall risk reduction)
- Transfer training (sit to stand, sit to supine, wheelchair to bed or chair, floor to stand)
- Equipment for mobility and assistance with activities of daily living
- Joint range of motion, strengthening and endurance
- Memory, cognition and auditory retraining
- Neuromuscular retraining for the face and throat
- Patient and family education
Parkinson's (LSVT BIG)
Parkinson's Disease (PD) is a progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects movement. People with PD frequently do not perceive their movement as small and slow which creates a cycle of reduced activity. This disorder can lead to speech and swallowing problems, shuffled walking and coordination deficits. Research indicates that rehabilitation programs are effective in slowing the progression of these symptoms.
What is LSVT LOUD?
LSVT LOUD is developed for people with Parkinson's Disease and other neurological conditions. LSVT LOUD focuses on a primary goal to "speak LOUD!" LSVT LOUD uses a systematic progression of exercises to stimulate the voice box muscles (larynx) and vocal loudness to maximize speech.
LSVT LOUD treatment does not encourage shouting or yelling; rather uses loudness to improve healthy vocal loudness without strain.
Research has documented improvement of the voice and speech mechanisms in people with PD following treatment including:
- Vocal loudness
- Intonation (rise and fall of pitch)
- Voice quality
- Articulation
- Facial expression
- Swallowing
What is LSVT BIG?
LSVT BIG treatment focuses on amplitude (bigger movements). LSVT BIG educates people with PD about the effort required to produce normal movements through intensive, BIG movements. The exercises empower people with PD to use bigger movements during everyday activities and participate fully in life.
LSVT BIG was developed from the LSVT LOUD principles and is a research-based exercise approach for Parkinson's treatment.
Research has documented improvement of motor functioning in people with PD following treatment including:
- Faster walking with bigger steps
- Improved balance
- Increased trunk rotation
Who Benefits from LSVT?
Research recommends that individuals with Parkinson's should begin an exercise-based treatment program prior to experiencing disability or impaired function.
LSVT LOUD and LSVT BIG will help you establish a life-long habit of LOUD and BIG practice. LSVT LOUD and BIG is generally covered by most insurance plan benefits. To participate in LSVT LOUD or BIG at St. Luke's, you will need a referral from your physician.
LSVT LOUD and LSVT BIG treatments consist of:
- 16 sessions: 4 consecutive days a week for 4 weeks
- Individual 1-hour sessions provided by certified LSVT clinicians
- Daily homework practice
- Daily carryover exercises