Test Your Weight Loss Knowledge

  • This is a good way for adults to decide whether they need to lose weight.


    A. Compare their weight with their friends’ weight


    B. Study the models in magazines


    C. Calculate their body mass index (BMI)

    Correct Answer

    The correct answer is to calculate their BMI. BMI estimates how much you should weigh based on your height. But not everyone should use BMI to decide whether to lose weight. Bodybuilders, the elderly, and parents concerned about their child's weight should talk with their doctor first.

  • Waist measurement is another way to see if you should lose weight.


    A. True


    B. False

    Correct Answer

    The correct answer is true. People with extra weight around their stomach area have a higher risk for type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Women with a waist size over 35 inches and men over 40 inches should talk with their doctor about losing weight.

  • Being at an unhealthy weight can lead to serious health problems, including:


    A. High blood pressure


    B. Heart disease


    C. Type 2 diabetes


    D. Sleep apnea


    E. All of the above

    Correct Answer

    The correct answer is all of the above. Losing weight can be hard, but the benefits are worth it. You do not need to lose it all. Set goals that you are able to achieve. For a person who weighs 200 pounds, losing 10 - 20 pounds brings down their risk for heart disease, diabetes, and other health problems.

  • To lose weight safely, get plenty of exercise and eat the right amount of healthy food.


    A. True


    B. False

    Correct Answer

    The correct answer is true. Work with your health care provider to set weight loss goals that you will be able to achieve. Learn healthy ways of eating, and gradually make them part of your daily routine. Add 2.5 hours of exercise to your weekly schedule. You’re more likely to keep weight off if you lose extra pounds slowly and steadily.

  • Keeping a food journal is a good way to become aware of:


    A. What’s on sale at the grocery store


    B. Your eating habits


    C. Where to buy the best fruit

    Correct Answer

    The correct answer is your eating habits. Write down what and how much you ate, what time you ate it, what else you were doing, and how you were feeling. Review your journal at the end of the week. You can see what tripped you up and decide which habits you want to change. Remember, small steps lead to more long-term changes.

  • Which of the following is NOT part of a healthy eating plan?


    A. Fruits and vegetables


    B. Whole grains


    C. Fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products


    D. Lean meats, poultry, fish, bean, eggs, and nuts


    E. Foods high in saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, salt, and added sugar

    Correct Answer

    The correct answer is foods high in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt, and added sugars. Learn to read food labels so you can spot -- and avoid -- these ingredients. Stick with fresh fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, and lean proteins. Limit processed foods.

  • Which of the following can help you control your food portions?


    A. Follow the serving size on the package.


    B. Eat as much as you want when hungry.


    C. Eat from smaller plates.


    D. Skip meals when possible.


    E. A and C

    Correct Answer

    The correct answers are A and C. When you eat from the bag, you may be tempted to overeat. Put one serving in a small bag or bowl or buy single-serving snack foods. Eat from a salad plate instead of a dinner plate. Keep serving dishes on the kitchen counter rather than on the dinner table so you’ll have to get up for seconds.

  • To lose weight, you need to eat fewer calories than:


    A. The calories you burn when you exercise


    B. The calories you burn when you sleep


    C. The calories you burn doing daily activities


    D. All of the above

    Correct Answer

    The correct answer is all of the above. You should eat fewer calories than what you burn during daily activities, sleep, and exercise. If you haven’t been exercising, adding activity to your day can help you lose weight if you also cut back the calories you eat. Taking a brisk 10-minute walk twice a week is a good start.

  • How much exercise should you get?


    A. A half-hour a week


    B. One hour a week


    C. 2.5 hours a week

    Correct Answer

    The correct answer is 2.5 hours a week. Start slow and build up how much you exercise per week. Include strength training in your routine. That counts toward your weekly total. As you become more fit, challenge yourself by boosting the time or intensity of your exercise.

  • This is a simple way to get more physical activity:


    A. Get off the bus one stop earlier and walk the rest of the way


    B. Use the stairs instead of the elevator


    C. Park your car farther away from your destination


    D. Reduce your TV or computer screen time


    E. All of the above

    Correct Answer

    The correct answer is all of the above. Small lifestyle changes can make a big difference over time. Find creative ways to build more activity into your regular routine. Replace some of your screen time with activities that get your body moving -- using an exercise ball, dancing, or doing yoga.