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Knee Care

Find knee pain relief.

Do you suffer from knee pain? If so, you're not alone. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, one in two Americans may suffer from knee osteoarthritis symptoms by the time they are 85.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that's caused by the breakdown and eventual loss of cartilage in the knee - resulting in bones rubbing directly against each other. This can lead to severe joint pain, deformity and loss of movement.

If you're living with knee pain due to osteoarthritis, St. Luke's Des Peres Hospital offers innovative treatment options in addition to a range of nonsurgical options.
Help for knee joint pain
Features of our knee care include:
  • A free joint pain assessment tool to learn about your joint health.
  • Nonsurgical options for managing pain, including medication and physical therapy.
  • Joint replacement surgery.
  • Weekly pre-operative joint classes to learn how to prepare for surgery and what to expect while you are in the hospital and after surgery. Call 314-966-9131 for more information.
  • Board-certified doctors and nurses and therapists who specialize in orthopedic care.
Orthopedic programs