Internal Medicine Residency Program



As you embark on the wonderful journey of your medical career, allow me to introduce you to St. Luke's Hospital Residency in Internal Medicine. At St. Luke's, we maximize resident performance and achievement in the challenging yet comfortable, supportive environment of an outstanding community hospital. St. Luke's Hospital is consistently recognized at both regional and national levels for superior clinical quality and patient satisfaction. 

The St. Luke's Residency in Internal Medicine is accredited for 45 residents, typically 13 categorical and 3 preliminary residents annually. We have one Program Director, two Associate Program Directors, one Program Coordinator and one Program Secretary. The inpatient training at St. Luke's Hospital is exceptional. Rotations on Inpatient Medicine, Cardiology services, ICU and Emergency Departments are all on the St. Luke's campus.

Our affiliations with St. Louis University School of Medicine and Mercy Medical Center allow residents to explore electives in a university-based academic setting. Outpatient ambulatory training is largely focused on People's Health Center, a public health clinic designed for the underserved population of St. Louis City. There are additional outpatient experiences at St. Luke's Hospital and private practices, spending time with our top-notch internists and sub-specialty physicians.

DrDilemma Dr. Marwa Ahmed, Dr. Deborah Adekunle, and Dr. Sushma Dangi represent Missouri's ACP chapter at the 2023 Doctor's Dilemma Competition.

The residents at St. Luke's perform at a remarkable level and demonstrate outstanding scholarly achievement. Our Morning Report combines a Journal Club with a Case Presentation and Discussion four days a week. While an important element of resident education, the discussion is lively and good-natured. Additionally, our PGY-3 residents each have the opportunity to present a CPC for the entire medicine department.

The Residency is very proud of residents presenting 11 outstanding posters at the 2023, American College of Physicians Missouri Chapter Meeting in areas of Resident Research and Clinical Vignettes. A St. Luke’s resident won 1st Prize in the hotly contested Clinical Vignettes division! In 2022, the St. Luke’s Doctor’s Dilemma Team won the Missouri competition and represented the state at the National ACP Meeting, April 2023. Residents presented research and case reports at 4 national meetings, 5 residents published their scholarly achievements, and 2 Grand Rounds were presented at St. Luke’s Hospital in the last academic year.

Why St. Luke's for a residency in Internal Medicine you may ask? At St. Luke's we provide a supportive, collegial environment in a beautiful community hospital setting. West County St. Louis is a wonderful place to live and raise a family with outstanding public schools, low cost of living, excellent housing options and limited traffic. Our residency is multicultural with residents from the US and 16 other countries spanning the globe. We embrace this strength and take pride in our diversity. With our accomplished, well-trained faculty, we can prepare a highly motivated group of residents for the challenges of future practice.

St. Luke's will remain true to its core mission of dedication to "Improving the health of the community. Using talents and resources responsibly, our medical staff, employees and volunteers provide care for the whole person with compassion, professional excellence, and respect for each other and those we serve. "Our Specialty is You!" We invite you to explore St. Luke's Hospital and wish you the best of luck in your quest for a medical residency.

Meet our team and learn more about our residency program.

About the St. Luke's Residency Program

Clinical and Didactic Program Experience

The Residency program at St. Luke's Hospital offers the type of interaction with doctors and direct patient care that will help you in achieving your goal to become an impactful practicing and consulting physician. Resident experiences combine inpatient rotations in a private suburban hospital with an ambulatory experience in an urban public clinic. As a result, residents are well prepared for multiple career pathways, spanning from the primary care of adults to the management of critically ill patients with complex diagnostic problems. The program utilizes over 100 physicians who contribute to the teaching mission as full and part-time faculty.

Residents are scheduled for four, 4-week inpatient rotations annually. PGY-1 residents spend this time on general medicine inpatient floors aligned with a teaching Hospitalist, while PGY-2/3 residents split the rotations with inpatient cardiology services. All residents spend 4 weeks in the medical ICU annually. Call duties never exceed every 4th night. All residents have at least 24 weeks of Individualized Educational Experiences over 3 years. The content is selected based on the resident preferred Educational Track and can span all offerings at St. Luke’s Hospital, from Ambulatory Wound Care to Cardiovascular ICU.

In 2012, we implemented a 4:1 ambulatory block schedule, providing a broader ambulatory medicine experience of 10 annual clinic weeks. Forming the backbone of the didactic experience are the daily Morning Report, medical Grand Rounds, daily Noon Conferences, Autopsy Conference and Journal Club. The affiliation of the Residency with Saint Louis University School of Medicine and Mercy Medical Center provides additional opportunities for academic educational experiences.

Progress in acquisition of medical knowledge is assessed by In-Service Examinations which are reviewed at Noon Conference. All residents are required to take the American College of Physicians In-Training Examination, a standardized test given yearly. An ABIM Board Review class has been integrated into our curriculum.

The commitment of our St. Luke's faculty to your education ensures individualized attention, a pleasant work environment and a wonderful quality of life in St. Louis and St. Luke's Hospital.

Take a Virtual Tour of the St. Luke's Residency Program


Why Choose the St. Luke's Residency Program

We take great pride in our residents. Our residents have a track record of award-winning work and go on to have successful careers throughout the country. St. Luke's also has a history of receiving national recognition for providing excellent care for our patients.

A Resident's Perspective

Hear from the residents themselves on why they chose St. Luke's.

Contact Us

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