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Pulmonary Rehabilitation


The Pulmonary Rehabilitation program at St. Luke's Hospital is a comprehensive program available for inpatients and outpatients with chronic lung disease. The program is certified by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation.

Respiratory therapists provide a safe, monitored environment for patients to improve their activity tolerance and increase endurance. While each patient will have an individualized exercise program developed to meet their specific needs, every patient receives guidance, encouragement, education and emotional support from their respiratory therapist. Exercise physiologists, physical and occupational therapists, pharmacists, registered nurses and dietitians are available for consultation to meet specific patient needs. Insurance benefits will be discussed prior to scheduling the initial visit. A physician referral is required for pulmonary rehabilitation.

Benefits of Pulmonary Rehabilitation include:

  • Increased physical activity
  • Fewer hospital stays
  • Increased survival
  • Improved disease management
  • Reduced depression 
  • Peer support

What to Expect at Your Pulmonary Rehabilitation Appointments

A patient's first visit is an assessment consisting of an in-depth review of current functional ability, medical history review, and a timed walk study. After the assessment, problem areas are identified, appropriate referrals are made, personal goals are established and an appointment is scheduled for the next available education class. An educational video will be loaned for viewing prior to the classroom session.

The second visit is a one-on-one orientation session. Patients will be instructed on stretching, warm-ups, and exercise equipment compatible to their current activity level. The heart will be monitored during these exercises; breathing retraining is coached throughout the program. Vital signs are checked before, during and after exercise. Sessions last approximately one hour and are available Monday through Friday. Please call 314-205-6849 for times.

Subsequent visits will include cardiac monitoring, obtaining vital signs, stretching, warm-ups, progressive exercise activity and strength training under close supervision. Breathing retraining is emphasized throughout the program. The program length is different for each patient as our program is specific to each individual. The average length of the program is 12 weeks.

Exercise Programs

Home Exercise Program

Each patient receives a home exercise program to complement his or her activity in the rehab gym. Available resources will be considered in the development of the home exercise plan. It is not necessary to purchase treadmills or other equipment to maintain a home exercise routine.

Maintenance Program

Self-pay exercise sessions are offered, allowing patients to continue their exercise program in a supervised, safe and secure setting.

Education Classes and Support Groups

Education Classes

Teaching patients about their specific disease, modifying activities of daily living, and managing symptoms are top priorities. This class, available twice a month by appointment, is offered once during the monitored rehabilitation sessions. Attendance is required.

Aire-Force Support Group

The support group meets once a month in a convenient location to provide ongoing education and discussion with therapists, peers and guest speakers. Dates, meeting time, location and topics are announced in a monthly newsletter distributed by mail. Individuals who are unable to attend the support group meetings find the newsletter helpful and informative.

Additional Educational Resources

Find educational resources and organizations for more information.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation Gym

Located in St. Luke's Hospital, the Pulmonary Rehab gym is open:

  • Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: 7 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday and Thursday: 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

For more information, please call 314-205-6849


Contact Pulmonary Rehab

Give us a call to set up an appointment or get more information. After a physician referral is given, an interview with the program coordinator will be scheduled to develop your individual exercise program.