Price Estimator Tools

Our Commitment to Pricing Transparency

St. Luke's is also pleased to offer our patients our new Price Estimator Tool to help you understand your out-of-pocket expenses associated with your healthcare services. The tool allows you to enter your personal insurance information as well as the test or service ordered by your physician, which will then be used to calculate an estimate of your financial responsibility. In the event you are not covered by insurance, the tool will calculate your financial responsibility based on our self-pay discount policy. The tool provides estimates on over 300 of the most common services and tests ordered by physicians. In the event your particular service or test is not included, you will still be able to seek assistance from our Customer Service staff by calling (636) 685-7879.

To find out what your estimated patient responsibility is for a particular service please click on the link below:

Price Estimator Tools - CarePriceropens in a new tab

We understand that it is important for our patients to have access to healthcare pricing information. Therefore, we are making information available to you so you can better anticipate and understand your financial responsibilities and make a more informed healthcare decision. For more information on Healthcare Prices, please click on the PDF below:

Understanding Healthcare Prices: A Consumer Guideopens in a new tab (PDF)

CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) requires hospitals to publish the following elements as part of their list of charges in a machine-readable format on their website:

  • Hospital charges for each item or service (i.e., chargemaster);
  • Payer specific negotiated rates for each item or service, to include Medicare and Medicaid managed care organizations;
  • Discounted cash price for an individual who pays cash, or cash equivalent, for each item or service;
  • De-identified minimum and maximum negotiated charge for each item or service;


St. Luke's Chesterfield

To download and save file for use:

  1. Right-click on the file link below
  2. Choose "Save Link As"
  3. Choose the folder location on your computer to save the file

St. Luke's Hospital Standard Chargesopens in a new tab (CSV)


St. Luke's Des Peres

To download and save file for use:

  1. Right-click on the file link below
  2. Choose "Save Link As"
  3. Choose the folder location on your computer to save the file

St. Luke's Des Peres Hospital Standard Chargesopens in a new tab (CSV)


St. Luke's Employee Medical Plans

Through UnitedHealthcare, UMR and HealthSCOPE Benefits creates and publishes the Machine-Readable Files on behalf of St. Luke's Hospital

To link to the Machine-Readable Files, please click on the URL provided:

https://transparency-in-coverage.uhc.comopens in a new tab