If you are currently uninsured, you may qualify for Medicaid or Medicare coverage.
- Disability due to medical reasons
- Number of minor children (under the age of 18) in the home
- Inability to return to work for four months or more
- Pregnancy
- Income
- Assets
The Department of Social Services processes Medicaid applications. The numbers to call for the St. Louis area are:
St. Louis City | (314) 340-5000 (314) 340-5246 | (Main number) (Medicaid number) |
St. Louis County | (314) 426-9600 (314) 877-3030 (314) 416-2700 | (Central) (North) (South) |
Jefferson County | (636) 797-9601 | (located in Hillsboro, MO) |
Franklin County | (636) 583-2571 | (located in Union, MO) |
If you live in a different county, or are uncertain which number to call, call (800) 392-1261 to be directed to the office in the county where you live.
For more info visit Missouri Medicaid.
If you qualify for Medicare, you also have the option of choosing a Medicare + Choice plan, which is a managed care plan administered by a private company that replaces your Medicare coverage.
There are limitations on a number of services and items covered by Medicare and Medicaid, depending on the plan you have. You are responsible for copayments, deductibles, and other services not covered. If your Medicare or Medicaid coverage is through an HMO, it is important that you bring this to our attention.
Deductible: $1,676.00
$419.00 a day for 61st-90th day
$838.00 a day for 91st-150th day (lifetime reserve days)
$209.50 a day for 21st-100th day (SNF) coinsurance
If you or your spouse worked 10 years or more: no premium
The Social Security Act provides that certain aged and disabled persons who are not insured may voluntarily enroll, but are subject to the payment of a monthly Part A premium. Since 1994, voluntary enrollees may qualify for a reduced Part A premium if they have 30 - 39 quarters of covered employment. When voluntary enrollment takes place more than 12 months after a person's initial enrollment period, a 2-year 10% penalty is assessed for every year they had the opportunity to (but failed to) enroll in Part A. The 2025 Part A premiums are listed in the table below:
Voluntary Enrollees Part A Premium Schedule | |
Base Premium | $518.00 per month |
Base Premium with 10% Surcharge | $569.80 per month |
Base Premium with 45% Reduction | $285.00 per month (for those who have 30 - 39 quarters of coverage) |
Base Premium with 45% Reduction and 10% surcharge | $313.50 per month |
Medicare Part B
Standard Premium: $185.00 per month
Deductible: $257.00 a year
Pro Rata Data Amount:
$170.32 1st month
$86.69 2nd month
Coinsurance: 20%
Home Health Care
No deductible or coinsurance
Hospice Care
No deductible
Small copayment for outpatient drugs and inpatient respite care
Physician and other medical services: 20% (providers who accept assignment)
Outpatient hospital care: coinsurance or copayment (as determined by Medicare)
Home health care and clinical diagnostic lab services: nothing
Most prescription drugs
Custodial care, unless skilled nursing is provided at the same time
Most chiropractic services
Cosmetic surgery
Care outside of the United States
Eyeglasses, except after cataract surgery
Dental Care
For more information regarding Medicare, call (800) 633-4227 (800-Medicare), or visit http://www.medicare.gov.
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