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Winter Weather Alert: Some locations, classes, and events may have adjusted hours or closures. Please call ahead for updates. Stay safe!

Tell Us Your Story


Would you like to thank a St. Luke's Hospital staff member, physician, volunteer or entire department for the care you or a family member received? Now's your chance!

Patients often tell us heartfelt stories of how a certain person or group of people at St. Luke's went above and beyond the call of duty to provide quality, compassionate care. We want to share your story with the people who touched your life. If you agree, we may request to videotape your message to share with St. Luke's staff and to use on our website or social media accounts.

Your comments may apply to any St. Luke's Hospital facility.
Here's how to share your story:

Send us an email.

Call us at 314-205-6655.

Send a letter to:

St. Luke's Hospital
Patient Relations
232 South Woods Mill Road
Chesterfield, MO 63017
*Please include your name, address, email address and daytime phone number with all submissions.