Remote Access
Remote Access Instructions for St. Luke's Applicationsopens in a new tab (PDF)
Critical Note for Citrix Usersopens in a new tab (PDF)
Citrix Access Gatewayopens in a new tab
If you are using Internet Explorer 11, stlukes-stl.com will need to be put in Compatibility View Settings or you'll just receive a black screen with no login box. Open up Internet Explorer, go to Tools, Compatibility View Settings and under Add this website, type in stlukes-stl.com, click Add and stlukes-stl.com should now appear in the Websites you've added to Compatibility View.
Uninstall the Citrix Receiveropens in a new tab (PDF)
Citrix with Google Chromeopens in a new tab (PDF)
Kronos Employee Self Schedulingopens in a new tab
IS Help Desk
Call the IS Help Desk: 314-205-6100 Ext 4357 for technical issues such as;
- Password resets
- Accessing/Downloading Citrix Access Gateway
- Compatibly issues
Lawson Employee Self Serviceopens in a new tab
Call the Lawson Employee Self Service Helpline for the following;
- Navigation
- Viewing paychecks
- Updating personal information
Lawson Helpline: 314-205-6740, M-F 7:30a-4p
Fetalink - Quick Reference Guideopens in a new tab (PDF)
On-line Education - www.carelearning.comopens in a new tab
Your student ID: First 4 letters of your last name, first name initial and the last 4 digits of your St. Luke's employee ID#. (If your employee ID is only 3 digits, use only 3 digits)
Physician WebPINS Accessopens in a new tab (Password Required)