Corneal transplant
Keratoplasty; Penetrating keratoplasty; Lamellar keratoplasty; Keratoconus - corneal transplant; Fuchs' dystrophy - corneal transplant
The cornea is the clear outer lens on the front of the eye. A corneal transplant is surgery to replace the cornea with tissue from a donor. It is one of the most common transplants done.
You will most likely be awake during the transplant. You will get medicine to relax you. Local anesthesia (numbing medicine) will be injected around your eye to block pain and prevent eye movement during the surgery.
The tissue for your corneal transplant will come from a person (donor) who has recently died. The donated cornea is processed and tested by a local eye bank to make sure it is safe for use in your surgery.
The most common type of corneal transplant is called penetrating keratoplasty. During this procedure, your surgeon will remove a small round piece of your cornea. The donated tissue will then be sewed into the opening of your cornea.
A newer technique is called lamellar keratoplasty. In this procedure, only the inner or outer layers of the cornea are replaced, rather than all the layers. There are several different lamellar techniques. They differ mostly on which layer is replaced and how the donor tissue is prepared. All lamellar procedures lead to faster recovery and fewer complications.
Why the Procedure Is Performed
A corneal transplant is recommended for people who have:
Vision problems caused by thinning of the cornea, most often due to
. (A transplant may be considered when less invasive treatments are not an option.)
Keratoconus is an eye disease that affects the structure of the cornea. The cornea is the clear tissue that covers the front of the eye. With this c...
- Scarring of the cornea from severe infections or injuries
Vision loss caused by cloudiness of the cornea, most often due to
Fuchs dystrophy
Fuchs dystrophy
Fuchs' (pronounced "fooks") dystrophy is an eye disease in which cells lining the inner surface of the cornea slowly start to die off. The disease m...
The body may reject the transplanted tissue. This occurs in about one out of three patients in the first 5 years. Rejection can sometimes be controlled with steroid eye drops.
Other risks for a corneal transplant are:
Bleeding is the loss of blood. Bleeding may be:Inside the body (internally) Outside the body (externally)Bleeding may occur:Inside the body when blo...
- Cataracts
- Infection of the eye
(high pressure in the eye that can cause vision loss)
Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that can damage the optic nerve. This nerve sends the images you see to your brain. Most often, optic nerve da...
- Loss of vision
- Scarring of the eye
- Swelling of the cornea
Before the Procedure
Tell your health care provider about any medical conditions you may have, including allergies. Also tell your provider what medicines you are taking, even drugs, supplements, and herbs you bought without a prescription.
You may need to limit medicines that make it hard for your blood to clot (blood thinners) for 10 days before the surgery. Some of these are aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), and warfarin (Coumadin).
Ask your provider which of your other daily medicines, such as water pills, insulin or pills for diabetes, you should take on the morning of your surgery.
You will need to stop eating and drinking most fluids after midnight the night before your surgery. Most providers will let you have water, apple juice, and plain coffee or tea (without cream or sugar) up to 2 hours before surgery. DO NOT drink alcohol 24 hours before or after surgery.
On the day of your surgery, wear loose, comfortable clothing. DO NOT wear any jewelry. DO NOT put creams, lotions, or makeup on your face or around your eyes.
You will need to have someone drive you home after your surgery.
Note: These are general guidelines. Your surgeon may give you other instructions.
After the Procedure
You will go home on the same day as your surgery. Your provider will give you an eye patch to wear for about 1 to 4 days.
Your provider will prescribe eye drops to help your eye heal and prevent infection and rejection.
Your provider will remove the stitches at a follow-up visit. Some stitches may stay in place for as long as a year, or they might not be removed at all.
Outlook (Prognosis)
Full recovery of eyesight may take up to a year. This is because it takes time for the swelling to go down. Most people who have a successful corneal transplant will have good vision for many years. If you have other eye problems, you may still have vision loss from those conditions.
You may need glasses or contact lenses to achieve the best vision. Laser vision correction may be an option if you have nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism after the transplant has fully healed.
Chow J, Kim T. Penetrating and lamellar keratoplasty. In: Tasman W, Jaeger EA, eds. Duane's Ophthalmology 2013 edition . Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2013:vol 6, chap 26.
Srur L, Marten L, Wang MX, Selkin RP, Karp CL. Corneal surgery. In: Yanoff M, Duker JS, eds. Ophthalmology . 4th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2014:chap 4.27.
Yanoff M, Cameron D. Diseases of the visual system. In: Goldman L, Schafer AI, eds. Goldman-Cecil Medicine . 25th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2016:chap 423.
Before and after corneal surgery - illustration
Corneal surgery involves replacing the clear covering of the eye (cornea). The surgery is recommended for severe corneal infection, injury, scarring, and for corneas that no longer allow light to pass through. The outcome for corneal surgery is usually very good and transplanted corneas have a long life expectancy.
Before and after corneal surgery
Corneal transplant - series
Review Date: 8/20/2016