Visiting Hours

St. Luke's recognizes the positive impact that family and other loved ones have in our patients' care and healing.

Visiting Hours and Guidelines
  • Visiting hours for family members and friends are available 24 hours a day, based on patient consent.  Patients can withdraw consent at any time.
  • With the exception of patients in private rooms, we ask that visitors be limited to two at a time.
  • Please be mindful of your personal health and any symptoms of illness that you may be experiencing before visiting patients.
  • Restrictions to this policy may be in place in the event of a medical situation that does not allow visitors. 


Help Us Keep Everyone Healthy

While visiting at St. Luke's facilities, wearing a face mask is optional unless you are in a patient care area where masking is required. We ask you to help keep everyone healthy by following these guidelines:

  • All visitors should be free from colds or other infections. If you are experiencing symptoms or are at high risk for getting sick, please wear a mask.
  • Please practice proper hand hygiene by washing your hands or using hand sanitzer when you enter a patient room. 
  • Children under the age of 14 should be accompanied by an adult during their visit.
  • Please adhere to any visitor guidelines specified for a particular floor or unit.

Please note that patients, visitors and team members visiting our physician offices, urgent care centers, Infusion Center and other locations of care may be asked to wear a mask depending on their illness symptoms or due to a high prevalence of immune compromised patients in that area, or for Surrey Place, due to regulatory requirements.

Visitors' cooperation with these guidelines is appreciated and will provide added protection for our patients and team members.


Help Us Maintain a Healing Environment

Everyone's safety is our priority. Aggressive behavior is not tolerated and may result in removal from our facilities or potential prosecution under Missouri State Law. Aggressive behavior includes but is not limited to abusive language, threats, verbal harrasment, physical assault and failure to respond to staff instructions. Help us maintain the healing environment everyone deserves by behaving appropriately. 


Visitation privileges will not be restricted, limited or denied based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability. Patients (or representative, where appropriate) can receive visitors whom he/she designates including, but not limited to, a spouse, domestic partner (including same-sex domestic partner), another family member, or a friend. Patients can withdraw consent or deny visitors at any time.