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Winter Weather Alert: Some locations, classes, and events may have adjusted hours or closures. Please call ahead for updates. Stay safe!

Salary and Benefits



  • PGY1 resident: $47,000
  • PGY2 resident: $49,000

Health, Dental and Vision Insurance

Residents are eligible for enrollment in St. Luke's Hospital group health insurance. Coverage starts immediately upon employment.

Earned Time Off (ETO)/Holidays

Fifteen days of earned time off (ETO) are provided and must be used for any time that the resident is not at work, including personal days, sick time, interview days, and holidays. The six annual holidays are as follows: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Friday after Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

Support Services

Residents have privileges at St. Luke's Hospital medical library and UHSP- St. Louis College of Pharmacy library. Office space, copying privileges and access to personal computers are available. Free parking is provided to all residents.


Contact Us

Send us an email to learn more about St. Luke's Pharmacy Residency Programs.