St. Luke’s Hospital is committed to protecting and supporting your health through education, prevention, and treatment. The Community Outreach department at St. Luke’s Hospital provides free and low-cost screenings and assessments throughout the community to help you plan for your future and live your best life.
Regular health screenings are one of the best tools available for prevention, early detection, and wellness. Check with your provider about which screenings are right for you. Most preventive care screenings are covered by insurance.
Explore below for free screenings and assessments available to you. For additional information about St. Luke’s community-based screenings and assessments, contact St. Luke’s Community Outreach at 314-542-4848.
Colorectal Cancer Screening (FREE)
Early detection can help prevent colorectal cancer, and there are many screening options available that aren’t as intimidating as you may think. If you are age 45-75, you can request a free colorectal cancer screening kit by filling out an online request form.
Request a Free Colorectal Cancer Screening Kit >
Community Biometric Screening (FREE)
Get screened, talk to a health coach, set goals and get your heart health plan in action! St. Luke's Community Biometric Screenings provide an easy way to monitor health indicators to make better health and wellness choices.
Screenings are FREE, in-person, require a finger stick and take 15 minutes. Results are immediate and include total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, risk ratio, blood glucose, blood pressure and waist circunference. Receive personalized insights and resources from a St. Luke's clinician.
Fasting is not required. Registration is required.
Thursday, January 23rd, 2025
12 — 4 pm
St. Luke's Resource Center
Diabetes Screening (FREE)
Do you know your risk of diabetes?
St. Luke's Community Diabetes Screening offers you the opportunity to learn about your risk for diabetes, to connect to resources, and to create a plan to keep you healthy.
Screenings are FREE, in-person, and require a finger stick for a blood glucose value and for a hemoglobin A1C value. This is a non-fasting screening, it takes 10 minutes, and the results are immediate.
Thursday, February 20th, 2025
2 — 4 pm
St. Luke's Resource Center
Personal Wellness Plan (FREE)
Wellness is the act of practicing healthy habits on a daily basis to attain better physical, emotional and mental health. If you are looking to make some changes to your life, a wellness plan may be what you need! A wellness plan helps you live a healthy life and increase your personal sense of well-being.
Start today and take steps to improve your health. Complete and submit the questionnaire. You will be contacted by a St. Luke's Health Coach to set up a one-time complimentary session, provided with a template for your Personal Wellness Plan and connected to resources.
Your information will remain confidential and will not be used for other purposes.
Connect with a Health Coach >